Wednesday, October 28, 2015

I figured I would jump on the bandwagon of new technology and test blogging out. At the age of 31 I am the mother of 2 and a wife. You could say that I am a bit of a control freak when it comes to doing things around the house. I'm am very opinionated. I'm a bit of an animal hoarder with 3 dogs, 3 cats, and rabbits that vary between 2-30 depending on their reproducing and my replacement rate. I'm at a point in my life where I never thought I would be. I have experienced a lot and there is still more to see. I am recently married and feel like we are robots already because of our work schedules and two gremlins...I mean children who are 7 and 1. Coincidently they are almost the same size. These two little dictators run our home for the most part, in a sense that we must arrange our every bathroom break/ showering around their homework, nap, school, and eating schedule.

I guess you could say I'm blogging because I don't have a filter. There's many people out there who think what I do but are afraid to say it. I want to say it for you! You can read it and laugh and know you aren't crazy for thinking the same way, or maybe I am crazy. I'll give an example; my name is Nicole, when I started working where I do now there was another Nicol (yes no "e") working there. I recently shared with her that in the beginning I hated her because we had the same name. I mean that's Ludacris to hate someone based on having the same name but as a child I remember having this feeling as well. She also stated that she hates other Nicol's but doesn't say it out loud. We both laughed hysterically at our own level of immaturity and my inability to keep my mouth shut. We are friends now but at first we were sketchy.

I'm not sure what all I am going to blog about. I'm sure it will be how my two terrors drain every ounce of energy from my body on a daily basis and I get about an hour of sleep before one of them wakes up for a drink or pees the bed (sometimes the one I'm laying in and on me). I may post about work, family, relationships, new products I want to try or have tried. I could even post reviews REAL REVIEWS that my friends and myself have tried. I may post about how I'm working in a medical field when I have a masters in Criminology. Yes I'm over educated and under experienced for most jobs to even give me a shot. Did I mention I'm also a sensitive/ medium. No I can't tell if your dead grandmother is trying to tell you something over the phone, nor do I have funds to try and come to your home to see if I sense something. I occasionally catch glimpses of the paranormal and I can hear some spirits, it's their choice if they come through and my choice if I even speak of them. I have had this since childhood but ignored it, only to rediscover it when my brother had died (another story for another time). I will not blog about this too often because I try and keep it to myself, not to be selfish, just so I am not judged because I am not as strong in this art as others and I choose not to mislead anyone.

I have good days and bad days just like everyone else. I work from home and in the office. I've been told I'm a bit of a comedian...I'll leave you to judge that. Just know that if you're bored or offended you can always find another random blog like this. I'm not holding you at gunpoint to read about my ridiculously chaotic but uneventful life on a daily basis or even to read about real problems in the world. I'm turning a new leaf and I am encouraging positive feedback. Something more than an "idk" response.